Chugginton is a computer animated television series set in the fictional town of Chuggington, and follows the adventures of three young trainee locomotives named Wilson, Brewster and Koko with their friends.
The Chuggington Paper Cupcake Toppers feature four of the popular Chugginton characters.
Brewster is a strong diesel-electric locomotive and likes to haul heavy loads on pick-ups, and often picks up too much when he does. He's dependable and can be relied on when there's trouble.
The Brewster Paper Cupcake Topper is framed in a 'Basic Black' circle on top of a 'Real Red' Scallop Circle and co-ordinating 'Basic Black' ribbon.
Mtambo is the safari park ranger and garbage-handling engine, and works around the safari park and handling the rubbish and recycling, giving tours to visitors.
The Mtambo Paper Cupcake Topper is framed in a 'Basic Black' circle on top of a 'Daffodil Delight' Scallop Circle and co-ordinating 'Basic Black' ribbon.
Wilson is a lively red engine and his eagerness isn't normally matched by his attention to detail, so he has some learning to do about listening and following instructions.
The Wilson Paper Cupcake Topper is framed in a 'Basic Black' circle on top of a 'Pacific Point' Scallop Circle and co-ordinating 'Basic Black' ribbon.
Koko is an electric engine and she loves to explore and have adventures, and to challenge her friends to a dare or a race. Although she can get into mischief, she always means well and knows when to apologize.
The Koko Paper Cupcake Topper is framed in a 'Basic Black' circle on top of a 'Green Galore' Scallop Circle and co-ordinating 'Basic Black' ribbon.
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